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Listed or registered (CNMHS)SITE STYLE : Baroque

65130 - AVEZAC-PRAT-LAHITTESee on map


This monumental building that marries the entire choir of the church is one of the most beautiful altarpieces of the valleys of Arros and Nestes. It has been listed as a Historical Monument since 1908 and is believed to be the work of sculptor Jean Brunelo (1670-1742).

In the centre of the altarpiece, St Bartholomew, patron of the parish, is surmounted by the Virgin Mary. The rounded side shutters of the altarpiece lead the gaze towards the center while giving more relief to the statues.
St Bartholomew is framed by double twisted columns adorned with angels and attributes of virtue: Force (bearing the column), Temperance (the arm raised), Prudence (looking in a mirror) and Justice.
Around Bartholomew: Christ gives the keys to Saint Peter while Saint Paul writes the epistles.
In the upper register, the Virgin Mary is welcomed into the starry sky by the Angels, surrounded by her parents Joachim and Anne.


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